Saturday, November 21, 2009

Day Thirteen: We've Got a Jackhammer!!!

If you saw Day 10, we don't have to tell you why we needed to put down the sledgehammer and pick up a pneumatic one.

I had to work today, so it was just the Man and his Machine at the house.


  1. are you going to take all of the sunken slab out? Nino tells me that as long as fresh concrete is 1 inch thick, it won't break or anything. Think you could take out part next to the crack and only take out part of the concrete and pour new on top of the old if it is low enough? that is a LOT of jackhammering.

  2. It's all got to go!!!! We're trying to get to the eath underneath. It's all sand and needs to be repacked with crushed rock.
